PI: Prof. Yosuke Kanai

Department of Chemistry

Department of Physics and Astronomy

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Email :


Aidan Thomas (REU student, 2023, continuing undergraduate degree at MidAmerican Nazarene Univ.)

Kiran Lucas (REU student, 2022, continuing undergraduate degree at Brown Univ.)

Lily Al-Omari (Undergraduate student, 2020-2021, continuing Chemistry degree at UNC)

Harvey Liu (Undergraduate student, 2020-2021, subsequently MS student in Computer Science at UNC)

Dr. Dillon C. Yost (PhD student, 2013-2019, subsequently Post-doctoral researcher at MIT).

Dr. Garnett Liu (Visiting PhD student, 2017-2019, subsequently Senior researcher at TSMC).

Dr. Lesheng Li (PhD student, 2012-2018, subsequently Post-doctoral researcher at Princeton University).

Sam Slattery (Researcher, 2017-2018, subsequently PhD student at Virginia Tech.)

Philip Straughn (Undergraduate student, 2015-2017, subsequently employed at UNC Medical School)

Jacob Engel (Visiting Undergrad student from Rice Univ. 2017).

Dr. Kyle Reeves (PhD student, 2011-2016, subsequently Post-doctoral researcher at Paris 6).

Prof. Donghwa Lee (Post-doctoral researcher, 2010-2014, subsequently Assistant professor at Chonnam National University, Korea)

Zoe Watson (Undergraduate student, 2012-2014, subsequently PhD student at UC Berkeley)

Zhenya Hu (Undergraduate student, 2013-2014, subsequently employed at Sanofi Genzyme)

Dr. Shahar Keinan (EFRC staff, 2012-2014, subsequently co-Founder/Chief science officer at CloudPharmaceuticals)

Prof. Andre Schleife (Post-doctoral researcher, 2011-2013, subsequently Assistant professor of Materials Science and Engineering at UIUC)

David Guarino (Undergraduate student, 2012-2013, subsequently Graduate student in financial math at Univ. Chicago)

Matt Dutra (Undergraduate student, 2011-2012, subsequently PhD student at UT Knoxville)

Dr. Jianhang Xu (Post-doctoral Researcher)

  1. Ph.D. Temple University

  2. B.S. University of Science and Technology of China

Dr. Jian-Cheng  Wong (Post-doctoral Researcher)

  1. Ph.D. UNC-Chapel Hill

  2. A.B. Cornell University

Chris Shepard (PhD Student)

  1. B.S. Univ. Richmond

Sampreeti Bhattacharya (PhD Student)

  1. M.S. IIT Kanpur

Ruiyi Zhou (PhD Student)

  1. B.S. Univ. Hong Kong

John Bost (PhD Student)

  1. B.S. Davidson College

Thomas Carney (PhD Student)

  1. B.S. NCSU

Nicholas Boyer (Undergraduate Student)

  1. Expected BS in Chemistry and Computer Science at UNC

Affiliated Members:

Dr. Yi Yao (Visiting Scholar)

  1. Research Scientist at Duke Univ.

  2. Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  3. B.S. University of Science and Technology of China

Ruyi Song (Visiting PhD Student)

  1. Ph.D. candidate at Duke Univ.


Yosuke received his Ph.D. in Theoretical Chemistry from Princeton University after completing his undergraduate degree at University of  Tennessee at Knoxville. He was a BNNI Post-doctoral Scholar at University of California at Berkeley, and he subsequently worked at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as a Lawrence Fellow in Condensed Matter and Materials Division prior to joining the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Department of Chemistry.

CV  日本語  
